Collecting is the core work that we do and new material is being added to the collections all the time. We are always grateful for offers of British Motorcycles, spares and related artefacts. For more details please read the Museum’s Collecting Policy and see our Fundraising & Donations page.
All potential acquisitions are carefully considered, to ensure that they meet the criteria of our Collecting Policy. There are many things to consider, such as the condition of the motorcycle/ object, its significance to the collection, whether we already have similar motorcycles/ objects, and if we have sufficient storage space.
The Museum will occasionally purchase significant items, however we have to very carefully consider what we purchase, due to very limited budgets and the fact that unlike many similar institutions, The National Motorcycle Museum receives no public funding.
Loaning an item to the Museum.
The Museum will only agree to adding loan items to the collection if they are for short term temporary exhibitions, or if the motorcycle/object is of great historical importance in relation to the British motorcycle industry or (British) motorcycle sport.