#MotorcycleLive 2022 takes place from Saturday 19th November until Sunday 27th November 2022 at the NEC, Birmingham.
This years NMM’s Classic Feature will showcase a collection of 10 unique classic motorbikes and we will be revealing one or two each week in the run up to the event.
Today, we would like to introduce you to the 1965 TRIUMPH ‘SAINT’ POLICE MODEL.

From the early days of the speed twin, Triumph machines found favour with police forces in all parts of the UK as well as in many overseas countries. One of the most famous publicity photographs ever taken is that of the squad of speed twin mounted police leading the victory parade in London 1946.
The need for a bigger engine to satisfy the American market led to the production of the 650cc Thunderbird in 1949. Being based where possible on Speed Twin components, the new machine was fast, light and economical on fuel, even more so when the SU carburettor was adopted in 1952.
That year an order came from Paris for a batch of Thunderbirds for police work, as so started what was to develop into a version listed as the 6TP, known unofficially at first then later officially as The Saint. It was said that the initials stood for ‘Stop Anything In No Time’.
The machine we are exhibiting at this years #motorcyclelive is the 1965 version which saw service with the Metropolitan Police.
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